Forum Rules

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Rules for using the forum of Inflatables
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SUJET: Forum Rules

Forum Rules il y a 12 ans, 10 mois #9

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  • Message: 55
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1 Look and read the forum before we arrived for the first time.
So is the issue, the performance standards and the tone used in it, plus spare us the unpleasant experience of being admonished by administrators or moderators to tell you that do not meet standards or style of the forum you visit.

2 Write-corrected.
Avoid if possible spelling errors and do not write as if we were sending an sms, the keyboard has all the letters and easy access to them. Writing properly makes the message more "pleasant" to read other users of the forums.

3 Do not write in capital letters in an abusive manner.
That is considered shouting or anger, no one likes to be yelled at.

4 Do not exaggerate the size of firms.
Try not to put a firm with a superior picture to 400px wide and 150px high. The signature image too large slows the message payload and operation of the forum. Also a firm with lots of text can descuadrar forum. Always consider the other forum users to enter how you.

5 Avoid the "Answer me quick" or "Answer me now."
The forums are made by people and not always connected or have the time. Moreover, not even obliged to answer you. Most are members who volunteer their help and disinterested opinions because they also have questions on any topic.

6 Use the forum search before asking.
In the Help forums, look if they answered our questions before. You may find the answer to your question, without waiting for someone to pass, read and answer your question. This will prevent us respond with apathy (tired answering the same thing over and over again) until we can find answers to other questions we have or a topic that interests us.

7 Try to be specific and concrete in the subject line.
Try not to put anything Help!, Help!, Help!, Hello! I have a problem, etc. or the like. Try setting a bit about what's your problem, question or message. Achieved it is interested in the more easily. And if someone has to search, you can find things faster.

8 Be sure to post your message in the indicated category.
Leete good descriptions of each section to find out the correct section where you should post. This streamlines and improves the functioning of the forum, and enables all other users.

Repeat 9 posts.
Do not put two posts in a row. There MODIFY BUTTON own messages if you forgot to write something.

10 No consultation desviéis topics have already begun.
Not good to post a question on the subject of another, that diverts the above query and you may not answer. Better start a new topic.

11 Do not spam in the forums or by private message.
Avoid messages containing propaganda. Uncomfortably purpose of the forum is not commercial. Repeat the same message in different categories of the forum, is also considered SPAM / FLOOD.

12 No "relive" old subjects already.
Do not reply to topics that have long. You may start or who bother to read it go. Look at some dates when starting and when he wrote the last response.

13 Conduct:
- Do not allow any disrespect or insult to anyone on the community or the Web.
- They do not have room for racist and / or misogynistic.
- It is forbidden to use the forum to attack, accuse, slander, etc ... Any user or clan.
- It is strictly forbidden to use the forum for buying, selling or engaging in any practice for profit ..

14 Integrity:
- Do not let any content / conversations are lacking for the intellectual property law.
If you think there is any message that is violating the rules of the forum, use the REPORT button.
Behind the nicknames some people, do not forget common sense, order and warmth.

15 Avatars:
The avatar is an image that will be located to the left of the notes or opinions to put in the forum.
The avatars must respect the forum rules do not allow the use of avatars offensive or pornographic content.
Your avatar can not pass on high or 180 pixels to 110 pixels wide.
The maximum size of the image in your signature is 500 pixels wide by 400 pixels high.
If your avatar or signature violates these policies or any rules of the forum signature or avatar you can be edited without notice.
In case of persistent this violation and the gravity you can restrict the use of the avatar and signature, or suspend or terminate your account so.

- The administration and the / the moderators / as, reserve the right to take action against users who violate the above standards, either by gravity thereof, or a repetition.
- Users who have been reprimanded and reiterate in violation of the rules may be vaneados.
- Users who are believed to be vaneados to post secondary accounts will vaneados for life.

For any questions please contact: Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.

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